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Groups, Places and Collectives for Makers in Seattle Area

·267 words·2 mins

We went to Mini Makers Faire in Seattle today and one of most surprising thing I learned was how abundant are the local

resources for hackers and makers! Reminded me of geek fairy tales of Homebrew Computer Club that you often hear. Here are some of the things

you want to check out if you are interested in making stuff and live in Seattle area:

  • Metrix Create: Space – I think this was the coolest thing I came to know about.

    They have a shop with everything from sewing machine to electronics. They run lots of interesting workshops & classes. It’s your neighborhood fab lab!

  • Make Seattle Meetup Group – Regular meet ups for Arduino/electronics makers and

    learners to exchange ideas and get help on your projects

  • West Seattle Tools Library – I thought this was the coolest concept. They have a

    collection of 1500 tools that you can checkout for your projects. Just look at their tool of the week series. There is also Fixers Collective who meet up at Tools Library and would be happy to fix your broken stuff or just

    tinker around.

  • [Xbot Robotics

    Workshop Space]4 – They provide you space to work on your projects along with access to almost everything you need such as

    power tools, soldering stations, oscilloscopes, electronics components, drill presses, sand blasters, table saws, sanders,


There were quite a few of cool things we saw there everything from [The

Brain Machine]5, Zigduino, Lifesuit, Drawbots, to The Most Useless Machine Ever.

I also jotted down the next classes I want to do at Pratt and All Metal Arts.