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A Robot Walks into Nature vs. Nurture Debate

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One thing that has stuck with me from recent @lexfridman interview was answer by @ylecun on what he thought cannot be learned. What is “intrinsic” in learning machines and cannot be modified by the process of learning? It’s perennial debate on what is nature vs nurture. /

Yann said objective function is something that he thought cannot be learned. This perhaps translates to “intrinsic motivation” in humans as learning machines. \

Why will some humans risk their lives to treat Ebola in Africa even if they don’t have to? Why will a lot of smart people choose to be lowly paid scientists while others become financiers to make money at all costs?

One of my favorite tests to measure your intrinsic motivation is simple: Assume you are plugged in Matrix-style chair where you will be kept alive, and your brain is wired into a virtual world with everything you desire. Would you chose to live in virtual world or the real world?
